How to Find Truth in a World of Lies
Thu 7th Nov 2024
Discerning truth from falsehood is increasingly challenging in an age dominated by virtual reality, deep fakes, conspiracy theories, and clickbait. Yet, there's a timeless source of wisdom available to all: The Bible....
The Road to Immortality
Fri 16th Feb 2024
Since the dawn of human civilisation, people have thought about human mortality, and the possibility of life after death. The Bible’s offer, though, is unlike any other – and has been evidenced by Jesus’ raising to eternal life. God’s amazing gift is immortality!...
How We Know Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth Soon
Tue 28th Nov 2023
Do you ever wonder about the future? Many people around the world share a common belief that Jesus Christ will return to Earth. How do we know this?...
The Unique World Leader
Thu 29th Apr 2021
Jesus Christ is the leader we need The Unique World Leader...
Fear or Security?
Mon 22nd Jun 2020
In this life we can never be wholly free of fear: fear of ill health, poverty, loss of property...
Are you Listening?
Fri 1st May 2020
One of the best-known parables Jesus told was about a farmer who scattered seed in his field....