Fear or Security?
Mon 22 Jun 2020
Past Masters
Many Bible characters experienced these fears too, but they learned that these could be overcome. Their experiences are recorded in God’s Word, the Bible, so that we can learn from them and change our behaviour accordingly. The secret by which they lived is that they learned to put their trust in God.
King David, one of the earliest kings of Israel, lived an adventuresome and often dangerous life, yet he found that God was utterly trustworthy and wholly dependable. He knew that whatever men might do to him, or try to do to him, he had no reason to fear. His faith in God gave him hope and confidence, for he believed that God would save him and keep him secure. Here are two Psalms in which he expresses that view:
There were many problems and pressures that confronted David, but he learned to look forward in the realisation that God had a long-term plan for him. As an outlaw, being chased by Saul, he had the assurance that he had been anointed as king (by Samuel) and that one day he would indeed sit upon Israel’s throne and rule for God over His people. Thus he could write:
David was, in fact, looking beyond his mortal life to that time when he would be raised from the dead and given everlasting life and it was that long term view of life something that also helped the Lord Jesus Christ to live a life of absolute service and to die on the cross in perfect obedience to his Father’s commandments:
Written For Us
Notice that these things are written so that, by considering him, we too can find peace of mind. If we put our trust in Almighty God we too can enjoy the freedom from fear and peace of mind promised by the writer to the Hebrews.
This is a wonderful two-fold offer. First we are promised peace of mind now, in this life:
Second, we are offered the security of eternal life in the future kingdom of God, where fear will be banished forever and where peace will reign supreme. At that time, says the prophet:
So there is an answer to our present fears, if we put our faith in God.