The return of Jesus to the earth
A Promise
In John 14:3, Jesus uttered a clear and unambiguous promise, “I will come again”. He undoubtedly promised his disciples that he would return to the earth and that they would personally be with him at that time. In Luke's account of the life of Jesus the promise was very well defined; Jesus said that they would occupy twelve thrones ruling over the twelve tribes of the restored nation of Israel.
The quotations listed above reveal that Jesus is to return for a purpose. That purpose is of great importance to individuals and to the world. God has declared that He will give the world a just and wise ruler and so replace the 6000 years of human mis-rule and misery, with a period of joy and happiness for mankind. The nations of the world will consequently benefit greatly as a direct result of this plan if they are obedient to Jesus, and none more so than the nation of Israel because the kingdom of God will be established in their land - the land of Israel.
Jesus is to be king
Shortly before his death, Jesus, questioned by Pilate, answered him with these words -
It was Pilate himself who ordered that the title “JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS” be written on his cross. One day, we believe not very far away from now, these words will come true.
Divine education
When the kingdom is established the scriptures show that a time will come when DIVINE LAW will emanate from Jerusalem, the seat of government of Israel's King. The nations will earnestly seek this law, recognising the folly of previous generations and so make the decision to learn about God's ways and flow to Jerusalem to the newly-built Temple. Here they will worship their Creator, the God of Israel and Jesus the King, and here they will be taught the way of truth. Consider the following passages. (see Isaiah 2:1-5, Jeremiah 16: 19, Zechariah 6: 12-13).
Blessings from God
There are many references in the Bible to the future blessings which Jesus, the King of the Jews, will pour on his people. The scriptures again are so plain on these matters and the following passages need no comment by way of explanation.
A lasting peace
Peace is a commodity that has eluded the world leaders, some of whom have sincerely attempted to make the world a safer place for us all. Those who have laboured to this end have pitifully failed in their desire, for today the world is full of trouble However this goal will not elude the King of Israel. Zechariah the prophet says, "He shall speak peace to the heathen (or nations)" (chapter 9:10), and Isaiah says, "my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places" (Isaiah 32:18).
A personal invitation
One marvellous aspect of the teaching of the scriptures is that you can share in the blessings of the FUTURE AGE. The Bible contains this hope for man and Jesus himself has extended to us this invitation,
The price is high indeed and this is because God's reward is exceedingly great. Isaiah says,
One minute to midnight
The promise of the return of Jesus is not one which God has made rashly. God keeps his promises and shortly it will surely come to pass. In one of his parables, Jesus spoke of his return as a bridegroom coming to receive his bride. In the parable, there were ten virgins, five were wise and five were foolish. All ten were waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. He came at midnight, and only those who were prepared were admitted to the wedding feast, the five foolish virgins were rejected because they had not adequately prepared themselves. HAVE YOU?